Sunday 19 May 2013

Harzer Cattle - Wildermann

Today we went to the annual traditional cattle match in Wildemann. It is an event that has been held on Pentecost Sunday for the last 30 years. 

 The morning wake-up call rings out across the valley at 7.00 o'clock, as the Harz shepherds bring the cattle down from the mountains. The cattle are marched through the town were the finest cattle are festively decorated. The festival begins after prayers are held.

This was the second time I have visited Wildemann in the last few weeks, (the first time was collecting a hiking stamp for the Harzer Wandernadel), and I have to say this little town has grown on me. It has a feel of a traditional mountain town with some excellent walks. I took off on a few paths to take some pictures of the landscape.

For coffee and cake I highly recommend the "Antik Cafe Marie Luise," which you will find on the main street.  This is one festival that I can honestly say I will attend again.  

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Harzer Wandernadel

The Harzer Wandernadel is a network of 222 Hiking checkpoints situated across the Harz Mountains. Last year I decided to enrol my youngest son to join me and start collecting them. To be honest we both needed the exercise and this was a great way to motivate us and give us an opportunity to explore the area we live in.

The checkpoints are sited at many points of interest, such as ruin castles, old mines, lakes and many hilltop viewpoints.  All together there are 222 stamps to collect and you achieve certain awards as you progress.  My son is pictured with his three badges, Bronze (8 stamps), Silver (16 stamps), and the newly earned Gold (24 stamps). Our target this year is to collect the, Harzer Hiking King, for which we need 50 stamps. 

It is hard work, and many checkpoints are located in the Harz National Park and the Upper harz. It is not uncommon to trek for two hours just to reach one location. You are made to work for them, yet the feeling of achievement and pride is great. Your award for collecting all 222 stamps is, Harzer Hiking Emperor. So this year we aim to be Kings, and next year, or the year after; Emperors!

Thursday 2 May 2013

Walpurgis Night

We had a really great time at the witches' festival in Braunlage. Sorry for both the delay and quality of the images in this posting. For some reason I cannot load the sound from the video I took onto the computer and I do not want to post a silent film. So the images are stills from the video.

Walpurgis Night on April 30 is an old pagan festival, which borrowed its name from Saint Walburga whose feast occurs on May Day. On this night witches are believed to ride on broomsticks to places of old pagan sacrifices in the Harz Mountains, especially to the Brocken. The Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, is considered the focal point of Walpurgisnacht. Also known as the Blocksberg, the 1142-meter peak is often shrouded in mist and clouds, lending it a mysterious atmosphere that has contributed to its legendary status as the home of witches (Hexen) and devils (Teufel). 


Walpurgis is celebrated across the Harz. The busiest and loudest parties are held in Schierke, Thale and Braunlage. Although the town of Bad Grund seems a distance away from the Brocken, it has a special place in the Harz for Walpurgis Night. When Germany was divided into two states and the Brocken was out of bounds for people from West Germany, Bad Grund became their centre of celebrations.

I remember my first time attending a Walpurgis Night and sitting in an Italian restaurant in Braunlage and being surrounded by other diners dressed as witches and devils. I gazed across a sea of pointed hats, twisted noses and devil horns, all munching away on pizza - a slightly surreal experience.